Welcome! More information will be added to this page.
I'm busy with more writing, also working in the community
about reducing crime in various communities.
(I'm a proponent of more parental guidance, discipline, values, morals, and family structure! It starts in the home).
But some "projects" include:
DR. REBECCA LEE CRUMPLER: America's First Black Female Physician (1864):
I've been a frequent contact for information about Dr. REBECCA LEE CRUMPLER. While the Civl War raged, Dr. Rebecca Lee became the 1st Black female physician in the United States. She graduated in 1864 from (what is now) Boston University School of Medicine. I give presentations about her to universities, medical schools, history museums, medical history organizations, rotary clubs; and, even with a previous Surgeon General of the US, for the Indiana Museum of the History of Medicine.I've appeared on NBC Nightly News, in a CNN podcast with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, in the Boston Globe, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The New York Times, The New England Journal of Medicine and more! Links added soon.
Stay tuned for an unexpected, unique, but important exclusive, update to the Kitty Genovese story! Yes...via me!
What's a nice girl like me doing in a story like this? Stay tuned!
True crime publishers...get ready, get ready, get ready!!! March 13, 2024 will be the 60th anniversary of that fateful night.
See Inside Edtion for the background": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmI1uFnF8O8
Rev. Walker was Rev. Dr. Martin L. King's Executive Administrative Assistant, and Civil Rights warrior. Along with Dr. King, Dr. Abernathy and others, Rev. Walker helped planned the marches, was imprisoned for the cause, and preached the Word. For years, I've been the administrator of a website in Rev. Walker's name and honor. I currently have the site inactive. But after years of his connection to me (nearly up till his ailing years), I have some of his unpublished documents, unpublished Civil Rights commentary, photos he gave me, and more. He appointed me to be the Secretary of the Music Department at Canaan Baptist Church (NYC) when he was studying for his doctorate in sacred musicology. Also he asked me to assist him in establishing the "Deacon Parishes" at CBC. And much, much more.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is very relevant, and increasingly pervasive, in our society. We see it in certain politicians. But also, I've experienced it from someone least expected...and it is NOT pleasant. I want more information to be published about the disorder,
and more medical conferences need to be held. I'm considering pitching an article to major publications about my experience.
Minimally, I may post a blog about it here; the story I can tell is so sadly demonstrative of the disorder. "...But Still I Rise!"